Times Tables Fluency Programme

A fully resourced scheme of work focused entirely on times tables. Provides the structure and depth to times tables teaching that children need to achieve fluency in multiplication and division facts and concepts. A true mastery programme, designed to achieve fluency for every child without exception.

Subscriptions start at £125 per year. More pricing information can be found here.

Introductory video

7 mins 30 secs

Sign up for free to preview and purchase the programme.

Our next free introductory training is on Thursday 1 May at 4pm, held on zoom. Sign up here.

The programme

Coherently sequenced times table curriculum

The programme starts from January of Year 3, once children are fluent in addition and subtraction facts. Taught in daily 10-minute fluency sessions, plus 14 one-hour conceptual lessons spread through Year 3 and 4. We've trialled and honed the programme progression over the last 5 years and are confident that it is now perfect!

Click to enlarge

36 essential facts

The programme develops recall of 36 core multiplication facts. Fluency in these facts provides the foundation for all written and mental multiplication and division. New facts are introduced and taught visually through the conceptual lessons, and aurally through the chanting of verbal sound patterns. Facts are learned to fluency through daily practice sessions with scores tracked daily and targeted support provided where needed. 

Click here to watch a video explaining the 36 fact approach

MTC preparation

In addition to the 36 essential facts, the programme teaches the 10, 11 and 12 times tables in preparation for the Y4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). These facts are taught in a lighter touch way, with the 10 and 11 times tables taught through patterns and the 12 times table taught well enough for MTC success.

Proven impact

Schools taking part in our two-year pilot increased their average MTC scores from 19.9 out of 25 before using Times Tables Fluency, to 22.8 out of 25 after implementing the programme.

Click here to read the full impact report

Fully resourced scheme of work

The fluency programme is taught through five stages. Each stage is broken down into smaller teachings units, with resources provided for each unit. The resources for each teaching unit include

  • Guidance on lesson planning, pupil tracking and classroom displays
  • Conceptual lesson animations and exercises which draw out the key patterns and structures for multiples of the number being studied
  • Practice booklets for daily, 10 minute fluency sessions
  • End of unit activities focusing on applying times table facts

Click here to see sample resources

5 step approach

Each unit of the programme has 5 steps, which collectively support every child in your class to become fluent in both factual recall and understanding of concepts. Each step is critical if all children are to achieve fluency. Training videos on each of the steps are provided.

Customisable practice sheet and cards generators

These tools allow you to provide practice that is tailored to the facts that your class, or individual children within your class, are currently working on learning.

Click the image to preview how the tool is structured, and how to generate sheets. Note: to actually generate sheets requires a subscription to the programme.

Professional development

The structured nature of the programme, combined with the detailed guidance for each teaching unit, and training videos for each step in the approach, provides in built support for teachers and TAs to develop their pedagogical subject knowledge and classroom teaching skills. 

Teachers and TAs at subscribing schools can also come along to regular subscriber coaching sessions to learn more about key aspects of the programme and to ask for advice on any implementation questions they have.

The Times Tables Fluency in-depth training course is also available to teachers and TAs for further support.

Training videos

In-depth course content

Research informed

The programme is informed by research into the mathematical development of young children, particularly how children achieve automacity in multiplication facts. The research principles that underpin the programme can be found here.

Testimonials from pilot

"Fantastic approach and we are really seeing the benefit of it. Thank you! This is exactly what we needed to ensure all children are fluent in their Times Tables. It's having a vast impact."

Cordwalles Junior School

"The children’s confidence has really improved and they are really excited about their tables. We are really impressed with the retention. Everyone believes in the programme and the principles. We love it!"

Pinfold Street Primary School

"I can see huge potential as maths lead as to the small, coherent steps the children take in their trajectory towards mastering times tables. Children are really enthusiastic!"

Highfields Primary School

"Children really seem to enjoy all of this. They are keen to get better and even ask for adult support when they have low scores. The chanting certainly helps them and they are becoming much quicker to recall during other maths sessions."

Hornsea Community Primary School