In-depth training: Early Years Number Sense Teaching

The Early Years Number Sense in-depth course covers both the pedagogy and research behind our Early Years Number Sense programme, and also the 'programme practicalities' of how to get up and running with the programme in your school. The course costs £55 + vat per person and is open to teachers/TAs at subscribing schools.

Who is the course for?

The Early Years course is predominantly for Reception practitioners, although the pedagogical subject knowledge elements of the course are also relevant to nursery practitioners. Maths leaders and school leaders will also find the course a useful way to understand early number, the programme, and the progression into the KS1 curriculum. All individuals attending must be at a school that subscribes to the programme.

Course approach

The course is run over one morning (09:00-12:15) and covers the following topics: (1) Early concepts of number, (2) Subitising, (3) Composition of number, (4) Planning number teaching in Reception (short, medium and long term planning), (5) Assessing number understanding in Reception, and (6) Support and challenge for all. The session runs as follows:

Course dates and booking

The Early Years Number Sense Teaching in-depth course is run on either a Tuesday or a Thursday morning. The upcoming dates are:

Summer Term 2025

Thu 19 Jun, 9am-12.15pm

Book now