Most frequently played Number Facts animations

The Number Facts Fluency Programme builds on our innate ability to process quantities visually. The animations are integral to the programme. Here are some of the most popular animations from this programme to try with your class. You can pause the animations while you talk about them with your children, and you can alter the speed by clicking on the settings cog, bottom right in each animation.

Our free membership provides access to a wider range of animations to help children understand and apply the strategies, and practice the facts they are learning.

Stage 1: Visual Number Foundations

In Stage 1, children spend time developing a deep and visual understanding of the numbers 1 - 10. They practice subitising quantities up to 5, and learn to subitise quantities between 6 - 10 when presented in structured arrangements (dots, hands and tens frames). This animation is one of nine in Stage 1.

Subitising 1 - 10
Images of between 1 and 10 items in structured arrangements presented in succession. Contains images of objects, dot arrangements and finger arrangements. Use on class whiteboard to practise subitising

Stage 2: Make and Break Numbers to 10

Stage 2 includes a focused study of each number to 10 in turn. Children practice making each number from two smaller numbers (the basis of addition) and practice partitioning each number (the basis of subtraction). These animations are from Make and Break 10, the third teaching step in the stage. The full programme includes similar animations for every number from 1 to 10, so that children can build their confidence manipulating and calculating with one number at a time. Our free membership provides access to story context animations for every number to 10.

Story contexts for 10
Images of story contexts for 10 items. Pause on each image to discuss the parts within the set of 10. "There are 10 sheep. 8 are grey and 2 are white." Supports partitioning of 5.

Story contexts for 10 with picture prompts
Images of story contexts for 10 items. Picture prompts are provided to support the children to work out the missing part. Pause after each question appears to think about and discuss the answer. Supports application of facts to real world contexts.

Story contexts for 10 with tens frames
Images of story contexts for 10 items. Tens frames are provided to support the children to work out the missing part. Pause after each question appears to think about and discuss the answer. Picture prompts appear after the answer is given.

Stage 3: Facts and Strategies within 10

Stage 3 teaches children the calculation strategies which enable them to solve every addition and subtraction calculation within 10. Through the teaching of the strategies, children learn to spot key number relationships and to "use what you know to work out what you don't yet know". These animations support children to learn, apply and become fluent in the facts associated with from one of those strategies: 'Five and A Bit', the 4th teaching step in Stage 3.

Five and a bit with hands prompts
Includes all the addition and subtraction facts covered by the strategy, presented in random order. Use once children are gaining confidence with the strategy. Work towards the children being able to solve each fact without relying on the model.

Five and a bit story contexts
Images of story contexts for five and a bit. Use once children are gaining confidence in the strategy. Pause after each question appears to think about and discuss the answer. Supports application of facts to real world contexts.

Five and a bit factual fluency
Includes all the addition and subtraction facts covered by the strategy, presented in random order. Doesn't show any models. Use once children have mastered the strategy for fluency practice.

Stage 4: Ten and A Bit Facts

Ten and A Bit is a short but important stage in which children spend time visualising and recognising the numbers and quantities 11 to 20, and learn the concept of place value. With the visual and structural understanding of the "Ten and A Bit" numbers secure, children then start to work with the addition and subtraction equations relating to the "Ten and A Bit" structure of these numbers. This animation is one of four animations in the teaching sequence for this stage.

Ten and a bit facts with models
Includes all the addition and subtraction facts covered by the strategy, presented in random order. Use once children can recognise ten and a bit numbers on tens frame to link composition of the numbers to addition and subtraction facts.

Stage 5: Facts and Strategies Across 10

Stage 5 teaches children the calculation strategies which enable them to become fluent in all the addition and subtraction facts across 10. Through the teaching of these strategies, children continue to practice spotting key number relationships and 'using what you know to work out what you don't yet know'. These animations are two of four in the first teaching step which focuses on the 'Make 10 and Then' strategy for addition.

'Make ten and then' on tens frames
Includes all the addition facts covered by the strategy, presented in random order. Use towards the start of the teaching sequence. Encourage children to start to visualise the movement of the counters before it happens.

'Make ten and then' with part part wholes
Includes all the addition facts covered by the strategy, presented in random order. Use once children have got the idea of a two step addition. Part part whole jottings help identify the two steps.